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    General Nonfiction

    Defining Nonfiction

    Nonfiction refers to writing that is based on facts, true events, and real people. However, this doesn’t mean the genre is limited to just histories and biographies: nonfiction can include everything from memoirs to self-help guides, travel guides to news reports, and even more niche genres, like sports writing and nature writing.

    We are committed to publishing nonfiction books are unique, valuable, educational, and entertaining. For more on the differences between fiction and nonfiction, check out our recent blog post that explains them in detail.

    Submit Your Nonfiction Manuscript

    Do you have your own great ideas that you want to share with the world? CKP is always on the lookout for excellent nonfiction books.

    Review our submission guidelines to learn how you can submit your nonfiction manuscript for publishing consideration today!